Tuesday 2 February 2016

(2/2) FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 2

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceokRVCHOc8

Kurt continues exploring this earlier world.

He finds a seam between two different Minecraft updates. These look kinda cool :)

The world looked so dark at night back then that you can barely see anything when Kurt walks around in it!

Kurt shows his spawn point! He then tells the story about the castle he built far away and then being sent back here when he got blown up by a creeper. So then he built a tunnel from spawn to his castle and that's what he's showing us here. It's literally memory lane :) he also shows us the network of bridges he built around the place.

It's a nice cosy castle! It's fun being given a tour by Kurt and how he remembers bits and pieces of his first experiences with Minecraft.

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