Tuesday 23 February 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUgbwR756uY

Current distance from Kurt: 82 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt feeds Wolfie and himself before continuing on to the Far Lands!

"Perched Pumpkin Protuberance" is a nice thing to call that cool looking natural structure he sees!

He goes to attack a zombie, but the sun takes care if it first.

He talks about livestreams and their donation potential. I wonder what an example of a a text equivalent would be? Twitter? Hm...

Kurt's space news is about SpaceX's manned capsule test.

Kurt sees an "inappropriate structure", a dangling precipice! His reaction is kinda funny :) but if we were to be clean it looks a bit like a uvula when you open your mouth. If this was an old Looney Tunes cartoon you'd yell "Pinocchio!".

I like the favourite things about the seasons question! As for me, in Spring I like the stretch in the evenings. In Summer I like a soft gentle breeze, in Autumn I like it when it still has a bit of Summer, and in Winter I agree wholeheartedly about the no bugs.

He makes a nice "elevated hidey hole of jack-o-lantern-ness" and takes a screenshot!

Wow, that's a thought provoking question about Wolfie unwittingly trained to jump off cliffs in order to be rewarded with treats! Positive reinforcement! Yikes! He talks a little about Eva on this point too.

Kurt finds a cool island of sand. All sand apart from one dirt block, and it's perfectly aligned with a single dirt block on the ground! Kinda cool to see it topple.

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