Friday 19 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #475 - Kurt in Recovery


Current distance from Kurt: 85 episodes. Lagging! Been a while since the last episode! Poor Kurt has been sick and his voice was out of it. Yes that tickle became a full blown cold!

He still has a bit of a cold but he sounds a bit better than he did in the sick voice video.

He's looking forward to the new version of Kerbal Space Program, so it'll be back to that series soon!

He talks about his aging computer and how he's thinking of going to transfer stuff to a new one.

I would not spend a sick day watching Interstellar. Ick :( I hate the ending. He talks about the scientific issues the movie has, with the nitrogen in the atmosphere and everything. He thinks the centrifugal force thing could've been done with the effects on their faces. That would've been great actually! Take notes from Kurt! :)

The possibility of a female protagonist instead? Hmm... interesting. Matthew McConaughey did a good job though.

He talks about The Martian movie too and I missed out on it. I wish I had seen it instead though! It sounds awesome! I hope Kurt likes that movie more too!

Nice for him to manage this episode since getting sick :) his recovery is going well so far!

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