Saturday 13 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #474 - Stay Away Cold!


Current distance from Kurt: 83 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt and Wolfie see some cool floating islands.

Kurt breaks open a path for water to flow down the sand into the sea. Nicely done :)

He talks a little about Dungeon Highway. It does look fun but I still think Penguin Adventure's better :)

Then again, Penguin Adventure has gambling and resets your progress when you get a game over... Hmm... difficult decision.

Kurt talks about the ESA, the EFF and the preservation of games that aren't published anymore. It's from a recent news article at the time. He touches on patent trolls to and what EFF do about them. It's a pretty cool thing :)

In other news, Kurt hopes he isn't getting a cold! Hope not either!

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