Friday 5 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #470


Current distance from Kurt: 86 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt wakes to find that Wolfie is sitting dangerously close to the torch he left for him last night! Fortunately, this doesn't do any damage in the Minecraft Far Lands or Bust! world. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Oh my goodness, the jitteriness has gone to a whole new level now. Kurt explains it all, using a nearby cow for comparison.

Kurt says he's been watching T.V. He tuned in to Mad Men after missing a few episodes and it's all weird for him. He also watched Better Call Saul and talks about it for a while. I've never watched either of these shows before... Modern Family too. Another show I've never seen.

Donor question time! Names in BIG here until the episode where the donation goal is met!

Donor Zack asks "For most YouTubers, there's always a game that they play in their free time. Are there any PC games that you tend to play off camera without ever recording?"

Kurt says he doesn't play games unless he's recording footage. I'm becoming the same with another blogging project I'm doing; I'm keeping a game diary :) it's a different kind of recording.

Donor Ben asks "Have you ever run into a fan somewhere other than PAX or conventions? If so, was it awkward?"

Once. It was from when he was ordering coffee.

After this, he confirms the big jump in jitteriness and the two pixel offset!

Donor Strigun asks "The other day, my friend stubbed his toe walking through the house and yelped slightly. Before I realised what I was doing, I immediately shouted out loud "Careful Wolfie!" in your classic voice. Have you ever said any of your catchphrases in real life?"

Kurt says the catchphrases are from his real life!

He tries to pinpoint the moment where he passed into a two pixel offset.

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