Monday 29 February 2016



Kurt concludes the NASCAR 2013 series with this video. He really isn't enjoying this game anymore and you can see it in the gameplay that he really wants to move on from it. I suppose it makes sense, seeing how he wants to do stuff with his computer so that he can play newer games.

Now that guy in the garage will never figure out the engine in front of him! Ah well...



Kurt and Brian come back to it after a little break and organise their fetch/trading quest. I like the way the sheep have "Bah!" over their heads!

Along the way, they enchant lots and lots of books. They come across a sweet crater that has a village in the centre too. It looks pretty awesome!

They explore the huge trees and climb to the tops, having a look around at the waterfall and the spire structure above it. They jump down into the water and some fun ensues!

There are guardians in this lake. They use night vision potions and it really does the trick with their navigation. There are quite a few more spawners at the top of the waterfall. There's another lake up here too that's really deep and Kurt finds some nice treasures in the boat up here. Gotta say, the walls and floor of this lake are vast and pretty awesome.



Kurt explores a few more configurations and enters another race.

This time it's quite grey compared to the brownish desert track in the last episode. Very overcast and it looks kind of boggy in this landscape. Much more similar to Ireland!

The water effects do look quite goopy. The droplets look really big or something, I can't quite put my finger on it...

Some nice countryside features, such as the logs and windmills and trees.

Sunday 28 February 2016



Current distance from Kurt: 81 episodes. No change!

Kurt asks Wolfie what episode it is. It's a normal non-livestreamed episode today. Kurt arranges the next livestream.

He sees a floating island that's not actually floating but is supported by a very thin structure underneath. Nice little sight.

The jitteriness is getting to be a bit much so Kurt advises looking at the horizon for us (and for himself!)

He gets a question about wristwatches. He says he likes wearing one and I do too! I normally wear Casio ones. He likes the Timex Nato strap ones and they look interesting. He talks about a Detroit watch company too that he likes.

He has an interest in visiting Ireland. If he does come here I hope he has a nice time :) I'm actually not big on international travel myself. Wasn't raised that way either.

I had to look up Hearthstone. It's a card game! Doesn't seem like Kurt's style of game. Wouldn't be mine either.

Learning by gaming is an interesting topic! It's true, you can learn stuff from video games.

I like the way he greets the wolves and then the pumpkins :) it's nice.

He discusses time zones and why we have them. He has a good point. I don't mind them at all.

The final hidey hole looks a little tall, strange and kinda dangerous too with all the gravel.



Kurt tries out this car on the track next. He exclaims in awe at the sheer speed it can go! It is a very fast car and he's able to handle it quite well.



Kurt tries a new installment in this series a bit early! He starts on a hillside desert rough road track. He tries a few views but sticks with the first person one. He's enjoying it but at the same time he does feel that he'll enjoy it more when it's done.

Saturday 27 February 2016



Current distance from Kurt: 81 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt is distracted today by Eva and her squeaky dog toy! He hasn't taken her for walks yet today! Dogs be demanding!

He talks about how his computer hard drives are organised. It's kinda mind boggling. He also talks about classic car shopping and browsing.

Another thing he talks about is his lifestyle and what he eats and doesn't eat. He follows a few good guidelines.



Kurt tries another endless runner! This one reminds me of a music video, like One Love by The Prodigy.

I like the concept where you're a bird like thing and you're trying to race the sun before it sets. There's scoring and multipliers and levels.

The bird poops are collectibles. Levelling up brings you new features so you don't get bored of the same first few levels. This is a nice thing and keeps you coming back! I like it!



Today Kurt tries an endless runner that seems to have the tunnel level design of Knuckles Chaotix's bonus stages or the worm tunnels from Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal... or maybe even many levels from Sonic Lost World. There are probably endless examples of non-Sonic games that have this kind of thing but I can't think of them right now. It's very addictive to watch him play!

He says it's like Battletoads all over again. Well, it does seem like a version of that! Imagine a Battletoads endless runner!

You can play as different characters too, like a clanky metallic character.

Also, he's not that terrible at this! He gets on well enough from what I can see.

Friday 26 February 2016



Kurt introduces the episode with Avidya, Millbee and MCGamer.

It's pretty funny when they get creative with swearing and randomly spout names of famous actors! Then they ramp up the challenge by saying only actors who were in the American version of The Office.

Quite a fun episode and Kurt gets a decent amount of wins!



Kurt, MCGamer, Millbee and Avidya run again.

I don't remember the "Got Item!" soundbite from Mario Party 2! Then again, I'm not huge into Mario Party.

Super slow mo moment where Kurt jumps into his own rocket! Just when MCGamer was pleading not to be hit with rockets too! Great timing :)

Super duper slow mo moment later too when a missile that went after Kurt turned around and gave up! Pretty amazing stuff to see!



Kurt and Brian check out the bedrock caves today.

Kurt reads the message with some emotion! Very nice :) he gets a nasty surprise when he jumps into the well and takes a big dip down into more bedrock. It dried up!

This bedrock cave network is pretty cool.

In the forest at night, it's kinda scary with the glowy creepers. Later on, Kurt goes into a cave with lots of scary spawning skeletons and other enemies. They both make it out safely and continue their Wayward Wonders.

Thursday 25 February 2016



Kurt's here with Avidya, Millbee and the glorious return of MCGamer!

Millbee does a funny Fat Albert voice. Avidya reckons making him do a voice is a good way to defeat him!

They discover that you can trap someone on the barriers that close around the corner. They're still developing strategies with this game!



Current distance from Kurt: 82 episodes. No change!

Kurt records a live episode on! It's an hour long special too. He talks about contacting his mother as it was Mother's Day in the U.S.

Wolfie does a dramatic diving attack on a pig after Kurt lands the first hit. 

Kurt does a scientific test about the crafting table breaking faster if you use a sword, rather than using your bare fist. It proves true! Love the Mississippi counting too :)

He talks a little about being a YouTuber and about self-employment and stresses and stuff.

Lots of other stuff too due to live questions from the chat. It's a bumper episode! The FLoBathon is gonna be interesting to cover! I normally do half hour segments per post but we'll see. Just thought I'd do the whole hour here today.



Kurt races other cars on a track in a dusty bowl like area or perhaps a pit where major construction is taking place. Some machinery like diggers and carrier trucks can be seen on the sides of the road. Kinda gritty and cool.

The sight of those two AI cars flying up in the air in the distance is kinda strange and funny to see! Why are they doing that indeed!

The positional audio is kinda cool too and Kurt can hear stuff like cars coming up close.

Wednesday 24 February 2016



Kurt and Brian come across something that makes Brian all invisible except for his armour, so all you can see is this headless armour which is kinda strange and cool.

They explore tower like wooden structures with lots of treasure and spawning eggs. Kinda eventful with a few explosions. Brian comforts Kurt's fall from the top by spawning a few squids around his feet! Haha, nice :)

Later they climb neighbouring mountains and find treasures on their summits, having a little fun with pretend echoes :)

They play a bit of C418's music and Brian comes back into visibility.

Brian later finds a giant stone pumpkin. They were here before though.

Later still they meet us at the pillars of Atlantis. Oh poor Brian! That's an awful height to fall from! We don't see it but can hear his blood curdling scream! Kurt's a bit luckier with his grey wool harvest and his dive from the pillar into the water.

After placing the wool, Brian tries to do some snoring. Kurt shows him how it's done :)



Kurt introduces the episode today and he's joined by Millbee, Coestar and Avidya. There's a void left by MCGamer, so Kurt plays as the guy in the chicken suit!

Wow he does a great job avoiding missiles and boy do they come after him!

He does pretty well this time! Maybe the new suit gave him an extra bit of luck :)



Current distance from Kurt: 82 episodes. No change!

Kurt enjoys more organic scenery in this legacy version of Minecraft. He aplogises to a creeper for light polluting its cave home. So polite :)

Kurt digs snow out of a heart shaped hole while giving space news. This is why we watch :) these nice little moments. The jittery effect is crazy here. He takes a nice screenshot of it too. Nice finale too with the machine gun snowball throwing!

I guess some things would annoy him as a graphic designer because he gets the urge to fix visual oddities. I actually like the way he complains about not being able to read text when it's shown up against the sun in Forza. That's a common thing nowadays that really annoys me too.

He later advises a zombie not to walk out into the sun but the zombie does it anyway. He's so kind to the mobs :)

I wonder how that donor who had the corrective jaw surgery is getting on? It's been about a year.

Wolfie almost swims further on without stopping at the end of the day. I like the way Kurt says "Nooooon as the cow would say :) ". He then realises he left his workbench back at the snow heart but that's ok, as it was a newish one too.

Tuesday 23 February 2016



Kurt's driving along a narrow mountainous road with lots of forestry around. Doesn't look like a good one for racing...

He messes up at one point and his lap is cancelled and his drive is reset to the starting line. Boo-urns indeed!

Next he races among other cars on an actual track. He gets on much better here.



Kurt's joined today by Milbee, Coestar and Avidya. Coestar introduces the episode with a strange funny robotic voice.

Super slow mo moment almost right away where a bunch of them are hooked at once! Pretty crazy.

Yikes! Avidya's act of generosity backfired on him!

Whose dog is that barking? I don't think it's Eva.



Current distance from Kurt: 82 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt feeds Wolfie and himself before continuing on to the Far Lands!

"Perched Pumpkin Protuberance" is a nice thing to call that cool looking natural structure he sees!

He goes to attack a zombie, but the sun takes care if it first.

He talks about livestreams and their donation potential. I wonder what an example of a a text equivalent would be? Twitter? Hm...

Kurt's space news is about SpaceX's manned capsule test.

Kurt sees an "inappropriate structure", a dangling precipice! His reaction is kinda funny :) but if we were to be clean it looks a bit like a uvula when you open your mouth. If this was an old Looney Tunes cartoon you'd yell "Pinocchio!".

I like the favourite things about the seasons question! As for me, in Spring I like the stretch in the evenings. In Summer I like a soft gentle breeze, in Autumn I like it when it still has a bit of Summer, and in Winter I agree wholeheartedly about the no bugs.

He makes a nice "elevated hidey hole of jack-o-lantern-ness" and takes a screenshot!

Wow, that's a thought provoking question about Wolfie unwittingly trained to jump off cliffs in order to be rewarded with treats! Positive reinforcement! Yikes! He talks a little about Eva on this point too.

Kurt finds a cool island of sand. All sand apart from one dirt block, and it's perfectly aligned with a single dirt block on the ground! Kinda cool to see it topple.

Monday 22 February 2016



Kurt doesn't put episode numbers on this series. I kinda wish he did...

He perfects his driving skills in this car and practises this track, challenging his own times.

He calls his own computer a potato computer. It must be pretty good though to run a game that looks like this! He's hoping to play other stuff too though.



Kurt is joined by Millbee, Coestar and Avidya. No MCGamer today awww :(

Poor Kurt drops off in the same spot four times in a row. Not his day indeed!

Millbee imagines Kurt as a sexy sultry librarian and does an anime kitty voice at another stage. I guess he's trying to make up for the fact that MCGamer's not here. Aww :/

It's pretty cool seeing the missiles follow Avidya for ages, around corners before hitting him!



Kurt's back to Forza! It's great that he's well again.

90% of the career mode done. That's pretty cool. I'd say it's something you really have to like doing. It's a good thing he does! I'm not big into racing games really, but I like Kurt's commentary.

So, Ghibli is a type of Maserati car? I didn't know that. I'm only familiar with the acclaimed Studio Ghibli. They both seem to be pronounced differently too. Studio Ghibli I know is officially with a 'j' sound. Maybe the car is pronounced with a 'g' sound, like 'g' for "get". It's how Kurt pronounces it anyway so I'll go with that.

In the thumbnail, Kurt has the dwarf from the Lord of the Rings, because his name sounds similar.

There's a race with a cargo plane. Haven't seen one of these in a while! They can be kinda exciting. I'd say it would be pretty loud if there really was a plane travelling alongside you and at that proximity.

I like the way he says he destroyed the apple orchard business by driving through all those trees! Putting a real world spin on things!

Kurt finishes this video and it's the end of this series for a small while. At a glance, it looks like EP66 was uploaded a month later, so not to worry! It's not the end!

He ends the video by driving over a ramp and his controller's battery dying. Nice way to end it! :)

Sunday 21 February 2016

Kurt and Brian's Minecraft Wayward Wonders 28 - Snowy Peaks


Kurt and Brian discuss the next thing to do. They consult the big long list of stuff that's to be done on this map and remember the stuff they did together so far.

They decide to just head out and explore! They find a spirit stone and some cool stuff atop a snowy peak. Some dizzying heights in this episode!

Far Lands Or Bust! #478 - Museums and Chicago Food


Current distance from Kurt: 83 episodes. No change!

Kurt discusses Far Lands or Bust! livestreams for this month.

Kurt makes the first elevated hidey hole near a perfect shaped natural hole. Cool thing to see.

Nice discussion about museums and dinosaur exhibits!

He talks about his graphic design walk of life too from a donor question, which is nice.

Kurt does make me laugh :) but I just like hanging out with his videos too. Nice of those people to tell him he is adorable! He is! :)

He gives advice on commuting in Chicago and that's to leave early. He gives advice on the best Chicago pizza too :) buttercrust? Interesting...

He notices the sunset to his left and notices he's been going the wrong way! Whoops! Ah well.

Why shouldn't you put ketchup on your hot dog in Chicago? Sacrilege? Hm... I don't like hot dogs in general as Irish sausages are the best. I'll keep it in mind that it's some kind of social faux pas over there!

Kurt & Brian's Minecraft Wayward Wonders 27 - It All Breaks Loose


Kurt and Brian explore a dramatic canyon at night, which shows off the moon beautifully. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia is right in front of them. Some fun exposition about "Struggle and Pain" is here.

They teleport into an extremely nightmarish place! More than one dragon, ghast, witch, endermen. Yikes!

It's pretty stressful and it makes for an action packed episode!

They make it through and back to the normal world and do some celebrating!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #477 - Homes In Family Movies


Current distance from Kurt: 83 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt waits for the zombies to die out before leaving his luxurious apartment with Wolfie.

Kurt talks about the revision of his recent blog browsing habits. Hmm... that false sense of want and consumerism is an interesting point. It is worth looking at with the stuff I browse online too.

I like curries as well sometimes. Chinese takeaway curry is nice enough.

Kurt talks about family trips and when he got a PlayStation 2 as a present from his dad. Whoa!

Yeah... that Home Alone family's house for example is huge. Wow. Though I think movies are getting a bit more realistic with homes than they used to. When you do see a big house in a movie nowadays, people talk about it more than the plot. I'm not sure if they used to.

It's been a while since I've seen Office Space. It's a good movie :)

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 26 - Batman And The Book Of Yes!


Kurt and Brian wonder why Brian disappeared off of his horse. Kurt explores a cavern and some prison cells and they make lots of Batman references. So this next section is inspired by Batman!

Kurt attempts the suggested path outside on the fence posts, but he sees the light and follows Brian's plan of building a dirt staircase instead!

Later they find an awesome looking dinosaur skeleton. Neato.

Later they unlock some stuff, including a book called "Yes!". They suit up and press onward!

Far Lands or Bust! #476 - Still A Bit Sneezy


Current distance from Kurt: 84 episodes. Gaining!

The remnants of the Great Cold of 2015 is still affecting poor Kurt! He's a bit sneezy today.

He gives us space news about a Mercury observer going out of commission by impact. A resupply ship to the International Space Station has been lost too, though the station staff still have plenty of provisions.

Interesting fan question about who is to blame for Kurt's cold!

He excavates a hidey hole that turns out to be a sizable room! He even invites Wolfie in to this luxurious apartment!

Friday 19 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #475 - Kurt in Recovery


Current distance from Kurt: 85 episodes. Lagging! Been a while since the last episode! Poor Kurt has been sick and his voice was out of it. Yes that tickle became a full blown cold!

He still has a bit of a cold but he sounds a bit better than he did in the sick voice video.

He's looking forward to the new version of Kerbal Space Program, so it'll be back to that series soon!

He talks about his aging computer and how he's thinking of going to transfer stuff to a new one.

I would not spend a sick day watching Interstellar. Ick :( I hate the ending. He talks about the scientific issues the movie has, with the nitrogen in the atmosphere and everything. He thinks the centrifugal force thing could've been done with the effects on their faces. That would've been great actually! Take notes from Kurt! :)

The possibility of a female protagonist instead? Hmm... interesting. Matthew McConaughey did a good job though.

He talks about The Martian movie too and I missed out on it. I wish I had seen it instead though! It sounds awesome! I hope Kurt likes that movie more too!

Nice for him to manage this episode since getting sick :) his recovery is going well so far!

Minecraft Floating Point Boundary at 2,097,152 - FLoB #471 Addendum


Companion piece to episode 471!

The estimation for this point is spot on! Kurt sees it when he presses F3 and we can see how the computer is struggling to calculate after the decimal point! It's pretty cool!

Kurt puts down a sign that says "2,097,152 Point Floated! 04/10/2015 Ep. 471"

Hmm... I'm a bit mixed up in postings... From Kurt's YouTube, I saw this as in sequence but it doesn't seem to be. Oh well. As long as I get the Far Lands or Bust! videos correct, then I'll be ok!

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 25 - Jafar the Spider


Kurt and Brian reunite and Kurt gets his stuff back! I just noticed that there's a "Butter Sword". That's a pretty amusing thing to think about! What's it used for? Buttering a giant piece of bread? The mind boggles!

Wow that hall with everyone standing at the table is kinda interesting. Imagine running across the table in front of them!

Amazing timing and slow-mo moment where Brian says something about downstairs and then the floor opens out from under him!! Wow!

Later on they find a cool castle with a garden. Later on still there's a big Taj Mahal palace with a bad guy named Jafar, in the form of a spider laying web. Kurt slays him. They explore the place a little more, finding treasures.

Thursday 18 February 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #59 - Team Team Team!


Poor MCGamer is the Easter Chicken with his yellow and pink colours! He looks like a sweet we have here called Fruit Salad :) Coestar, Millbee and our own Kurt races with him.

I like how Millbee's accent makes people mistake him for saying something else besides "arsenal"!

MCGamer makes an IT Crowd reference! :D omg he and I are like long lost bros or something.

The super speedrunning and lag jitters make for some very fast and twitchy movements at the end!

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 24 - Taking on Tantalus


Kurt and Brian start the video at night in the desert on horseback. They raid some tombs. Kurt loses his armour to Brian's super weapons! There's also an explosion, which Kurt barely survives, but poor Brian doesn't! Oops!

They regroup and prepare for the next wonder. Interesting to see Kurt choose a horse! It's like him choosing a car or a dog!

Later, there's a beautiful statue of a horse inside a massive temple thing that breaks a bit from a creeper explosion. Oh well! It survived this long anyway!

Kurt later gets defeated by Tantalus. That area is just filled with mobs...

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #58 - Wrong Side of the Spikes


Kurt introduces the episode where he's joined with Coestar, Millbee and MCGamer.

Poor Kurt got a bad start between being spiked, hooked and everything else. The game crashes for him at one point too. Other than that it's another fun packed episode :)

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 23 - Mercurial Jumping


Kurt and Brian run down a pyramid which looks kind of cool. Kurt unwittingly activates an explodey trap in a village! Yikes!

They both get a Mercury leap, which enables nice big jumps!

They head back to the centre to place some blocks they gathered. Nice big upgrade on health with that chestplate.

There's this Colosseum-like area later and lions are actually sheep with dyed wool! Pretty funny :)

I hear Eva rattling her chain or something offscreen too! That's nice :) better than a garage door anyway!

Listen to Poor Kurt's Sick Voice


Wow, poor Kurt. There's definitely a blockage in there with his voice. I need to get cracking and catch up on my own catching up with Kurt too! Not sure how I'll pull it off but I should keep moving and keep watching as much of his videos as possible.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #57 - Obaminoes


Kurt, Millbee, MCGamer and Coestar race this time.

They talk about Obama dominoes called Obaminoes, which is pretty funny! Millbee also talks about Chibi-Robo!, which is awesome :) Love Chibi-Robo!

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 22 - Bluish Wonders


Kurt and Brian escape from the crazy place with all the zombie pigmen. They find another wonder with a village. This wonder is kind of cool with the blue tiles and sand. Nice and relaxing compared to the last area! Brian finds 2 Notch Apples, which is quite nice.

Interesting looking chamber later on too with blocks that have a turquoise-like colour.

Dungeon Highway - Top-5 Score Worldwide!


Kurt plays on an easier setting and it's a bit slower, so more manageable. Still fun though.

He gets a good score and makes the world top 5! It's in the Mode For Babies, but still! Well done!

Assetto Corsa - Nurburgring Nordschleife First Lap


Kurt plays this realistic looking game. I can only imagine what this track looks like on public access days...

He says his computer isn't the best at running this game but I think it looks pretty good with it!

I wonder how good it'll look when he plays it on a newer computer? Have to wait and see...

Monday 15 February 2016

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 21 - Handy Island


Kurt and Brian explore another unseen continent. It's a cool looking place with a giant hand sticking out of the ground. Looks great with the distance fog! Lots of bare trees here too.

They're attacked by zombie pigmen and little versions of them too that move much faster.

The exploring of the hand is pretty cool. It's made from nether materials and there's a wool piece in the middle finger! Also, when Kurt descends with the help of a water bucket, it looks like the hand is bleeding blue blood! Pretty cool area they're exploring!

Distance - Dystopian Future Racing Game


Kurt tries another racing game in development.

It's a futuristic looking game. Kind of interesting. I like when Eva interrupts his gameplay :)

It seems to be an endless runner type of game, except it's not endless and it's driving in a car. There are levels with obstacles to avoid.

To keep things interesting, he uses friend leaderboards to compare his times to others. Coestar, Avidya, VintageBeef and Guude are in the list.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #56 - SmashRunners


Kurt, Millbee, Avidya and MCGamer play on an edited stage that's designed to look like a Super Smash Bros level! Winning works naturally like it does in Smash too.

I think I prefer the regular SpeedRunners!

Sunday 14 February 2016

Forza Horizon 2 EP64 - Winning Cars


Kurt wins a Dodge Challenger R/T in a Fast and the Furious style challenge. It looks a little different from his other cars with its light green colour, spoiler and bumper bar thingies.

"We don't roll with "all right" " the voice says on another challenge. Yikes!

He acquired a Bugatti Veyron too.

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 20 - Cowlateral Damage


Kurt and Brian find some structures that look like replicas of Machu Picchu and Christ the Redeemer statue. Pretty cool stuff.

Poor Kurt dies somewhere in the video and they have to go get his stuff back from the mobs that picked it up!

I can't believe they didn't say "cowlateral damage" instead of "collateral damage cow"!

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 10 - Count Esteban


Kurt qualifies first and Beef qualifies last... ah well.

Kurt maintains his lead. I only know about Beef's progress through his voice! He says there should be a mortal combat thing after a race to settle a tie and bring balance to the universe or something!

Did someone actually do what Beef asked and put Kurt's face on Britney Spears' body? That would be something!

Esteban is Transylvanian now! :)

Saturday 13 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #474 - Stay Away Cold!


Current distance from Kurt: 83 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt and Wolfie see some cool floating islands.

Kurt breaks open a path for water to flow down the sand into the sea. Nicely done :)

He talks a little about Dungeon Highway. It does look fun but I still think Penguin Adventure's better :)

Then again, Penguin Adventure has gambling and resets your progress when you get a game over... Hmm... difficult decision.

Kurt talks about the ESA, the EFF and the preservation of games that aren't published anymore. It's from a recent news article at the time. He touches on patent trolls to and what EFF do about them. It's a pretty cool thing :)

In other news, Kurt hopes he isn't getting a cold! Hope not either!

Wreckfest - New Figure-8 Track - Crashy Crashy


Figure 8 tracks! Designed for wrecking :)

Kurt has some narrow escapes and some crashes. He suspects there's some rubberbanding here too that's helping him forward when he falls behind.

Dungeon Highway - Endless Runner With Experience Points!


Kurt tries an endless runner for a livestream. Neat retro style graphics in this one. This one hooks you and keeps you coming back through trying out the different power ups and unlockables.

Just thought about Penguin Adventure... Ah... You see, I love the sense of adventure that game has and the world, even though that's a runner game too. This one has a sense of growth with the experience points, which is cool too, but man, it doesn't top Penguin Adventure :)

Yes Kurt, you are correct about Mario Kart with the coins and speed!

Friday 12 February 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #55 - Weoeoeoeoe


Kurt introduces the video! Avidya, Millbee and MCGamer are here too.

It was really funny when that rocket chased him to victory :) MC's fall while going "weoeoeoeoeoeoe" was hilarious too :)

Forza Horizon 2 EP63 - Hurrrghb


Heh. I like the way the announcer says "Forza Hub". It's like "Forza HURRRGGGHHHHB". Kurt gives his own take on it too.

Pretty surreal moment during a victory screen when a car appears on top of his windscreen too! Gah!

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 19 - Trade Sequence


Kurt and Brian investigate a suspicious looking cabin. They wonder if it's just a toilet in the corner or a secret passage. Not to worry, there's actually something under there! They call the villager that lives below Packed Ice Pete.

Nice single pink sheep in that flock underground later too :) I like the "Bah!" above their heads. :)

This woolly quest involves some trading with Packed Ice Pete. Nice spin on the gameplay here. He sounds like the Disney character :)

Thursday 11 February 2016

PlayMindCrack UHC Livestream Part 4 - Death Warp


I love that 70s groove in the intro!

Poor Nebris dies in the game, so Kurt is left alone to commentate. Later, he totally ninja kills Jishy! Wow, they had no chance at all!

Later again he meets Wilsonkong in the desert and he just happens to have Kurt's 3D glasses skin as well! Kurt loses against him unfortunately. When he dies he gets transported to some kind of hub area with all these monuments around.

This whole PlayMindCrack thing sounds like a pretty cool idea. If it's something you can just jump into like Splatoon, that would be neat.

Far Lands or Bust! #473 - Invisible Signwriting


Current distance from Kurt: 84 episodes. No change!

Kurt comes across a submerged spawner he saw on his way back to the floating point border thing. Loads of iron in it!

He puts up a sign that says "Elevated Hidey Hole of Sign Testomitry. Woo." and it vanishes into the block! It's another very cool experiment and a good way to conclude the experiments!

Some Pluto and Ceres news. Those new pictures of Ceres are kinda cool. Just looked them up there.

Kurt sees another elevated hidey hole. He's on the same path back :)

He talks about Eva a lot and how he's getting along with her as a new dog owner. This is kind of timely, as lately I've been looking after a dog for a friend. Like Eva, this dog likes people, but isn't that crazy about other dogs.

He's right, Earthrise is a pretty cool photograph :)

Some funny interruptions with gnats flying into his face. I guess not having to deal with bugs is a nice thing about the cold weather here at the moment!

Wreckfest - Sandpit 10-Lap Endurance


Kurt tries out with a game controller and finds that it has improved. Wow, spinning in first person view looks pretty cool! He took quite a tumble there!

Kurt says he might play some online multi-player. Might be even more fun then.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

PlayMindCrack UHC Livestream Part 3 - Wow Kurt!


Wow. Kurt digs through into a humongous ravine and it's an impressive discovery!

Avidya loves the "G-G-G!" noise that Kurt makes. Don't we all! :)

"His own moother" Kurt says later, making a cow joke. Wow Kurt. Wow! *applauds!* :)

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #54


MillBee is back! He, Kurt, MCGamer and Avidya are back together to SpeedRun once again!

The RocketRunners match was pretty explosive!

Wow, MC Tore everyone up in SuperSpeedrunners!

Forza Horizon 2 EP62 - Off The Beaten Path


Ah, the freedom of an empty dockyard to drive around in! Here, Kurt doesn't need roads!

There's a part where he's driving through a golf course as well. Imagine playing golf and then these racing cars come zooming past you!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 18 - Pink Wool Bearers


Wow, all the letters in this url are in upper case...

They made a nice wall map! The Wayward Wonders world certainly needs it! They meet a lot of mobs later that are carrying blocks of wool. Another one of the wonders seen I suppose.

PlayMindCrack UHC Livestream Part 2 - More Caving


The late night radio DJ voices continue. Bit strange how it's set to a series where they're meant to hunt each other! I think the objective is for them to team up though.

They continue caving and exploring for materials. Kurt finds lots of iron and gold.

Far Lands or Bust! #472 - Kurt Does Science!


Current distance from Kurt: 84. Gaining!

Kurt does some cool experiments now that the world jitters in a whole new way. Nice eureka moment with the sand toppling going from blocks to entities and back to blocks again :)

He does a good job of hiding the sign showing the F3 co-ordinate. We'll see that soon enough!

Monday 8 February 2016

PlayMindCrack UHC Livestream Part 1 - Chill Late Night Radio Voices


Love the UHCs! This is just a test but it's still all good fun. They all sound so chill here while they do the preparations. Kurt, Avidya, Nebris... they all have nice calming voices.

Forza Horizon 2 EP61


Things kind of look the same in the Fast & Furious mode, except with some different colours, like light blue on some menus and stuff. The narrator is still pretty cool though. You can win their cars if you beat them in races, that's how the movies go isn't it?

NASCAR 2013 Part 11 - But This Isn't A Ball Sport


Woo! PC gaming! Poor Kurt has do deal with the game crashing a few times. When it gets going though, it gets real smooth.

Some lovely polite swears in this video too while he races :) "Get your own road!" he says. He pretends to be a wall inspector too when he tips it. Nice save!

Some funny pretend dialogue of the guys in the cafeteria discussing skin care at the end there :)

Sunday 7 February 2016

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 17 - Amazing Caverns


"Whoaaa" Kurt and Brian gasp when they see this amazing huge structure underground, pointing in both directions. Reminds me of Gruntilda's Lair from Banjo-Kazooie!

They "Whoaaa" again later when they find another amazing cavern. "Whoa!" a third time when Kurt has a bad fall and goes down to 1 heart!

Brian: "I thought I saw..."
Kurt: "A puddy tat?"

Kurt, you card :)

I never saw endermites before... wow.

Stick around for the end too!

Brian: "Eagle eye Kurt!"
Kurt: "Caw caw!"


SpeedRunners #53 - Kurt the Unstoppable!


No Millbee today either. It was a cool moment when Kurt and MCGamer were about to die, but then Kurt swings just in time to be the last onscreen!

I like the "See you next "Fall"!" line from him as well. Heh :)

He won every stage! Nice one! :D

Kurt and Brian's Wayward Wonders 16 - Atlantis!


Kurt and Dr. Brian Lorgon111 are progressing nicely with all the wool they have now.

Later on it's funny when they both get hit by a witch's poison splash potion and the sound effect goes "Tk.Tk.Tk.Tk.Tk." instead of "Tk.... tk.... tk..."

The city of Atlantis looks really cool. Nice fancy pillars and those Swiss Roll ends can be seen too.

Saturday 6 February 2016

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 9 - Blurry Rainy Weather Effects


Beef starts singing "This is the turn that doesn't end!" in the style of Lamb Chops Play Along :) it's a tricky track they're racing on in England.

When they qualify, they do the usual Esteban voice and Beef realises he's turned Russian! It's a very rainy day on this race, like you'd expect. Nice raindrop blurry effect on the screen though, even if it goes a bit too far with it.

Far Lands or Bust! #471 Floating Point Science & Monument


Current distance from Kurt: 85 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt meets a creeper who "wantsss to particcccccipate in hissss ssssscienccccccce"!

Thanks to the help of fellow Far Landers, he tries to find the point where the jitterinessss (sorry) suddenly changed and it's near a hidey hole. He does various tests with items that all look really neat. He builds a cool looking monument too. He does an F3 check but we won't see it until the donation goal is met!

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #52 Rocket Chaos


I don't remember if I had seen the Casino stage before. It's kinda nice. Bright lights on the inside, dark and starry night on the outside.

Some serious artillery shooting around during RocketRunners! Kurt even hits himself! Fun and chaotic! :)

Friday 5 February 2016

Forza Horizon 2 EP60 Fast and Furious tie-in thingy


Kurt tries this Fast and Furious tie-in thingy within this game. Never watched the movies myself but the narrator sounds cooler than Ben. Kurt does the best narration though, especially when he tries to drown out the copyrighted music with it! :)

It mixes things up nicely.

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 15 Carchoal


I like the way Kurt says "carchoal" instead of charcoal :)

He and Dr. Brian Lorgon111 explore a great pyramid. There are awesome looking orbs of lava deep within. I haven't been to Egypt so I can't confirm if this is accurate. Sorry guys! :P

While in the desert, they see gold blocks that turn into sand when you get close. A mirage! That is super super clever!

Far Lands or Bust! #470


Current distance from Kurt: 86 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt wakes to find that Wolfie is sitting dangerously close to the torch he left for him last night! Fortunately, this doesn't do any damage in the Minecraft Far Lands or Bust! world. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Oh my goodness, the jitteriness has gone to a whole new level now. Kurt explains it all, using a nearby cow for comparison.

Kurt says he's been watching T.V. He tuned in to Mad Men after missing a few episodes and it's all weird for him. He also watched Better Call Saul and talks about it for a while. I've never watched either of these shows before... Modern Family too. Another show I've never seen.

Donor question time! Names in BIG here until the episode where the donation goal is met!

Donor Zack asks "For most YouTubers, there's always a game that they play in their free time. Are there any PC games that you tend to play off camera without ever recording?"

Kurt says he doesn't play games unless he's recording footage. I'm becoming the same with another blogging project I'm doing; I'm keeping a game diary :) it's a different kind of recording.

Donor Ben asks "Have you ever run into a fan somewhere other than PAX or conventions? If so, was it awkward?"

Once. It was from when he was ordering coffee.

After this, he confirms the big jump in jitteriness and the two pixel offset!

Donor Strigun asks "The other day, my friend stubbed his toe walking through the house and yelped slightly. Before I realised what I was doing, I immediately shouted out loud "Careful Wolfie!" in your classic voice. Have you ever said any of your catchphrases in real life?"

Kurt says the catchphrases are from his real life!

He tries to pinpoint the moment where he passed into a two pixel offset.

Thursday 4 February 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #51


Kurt, MCGamer and Avidya are joined by Coestar. No Millbee today.

First up is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Alley stage. Coestar wins this.

Second is SpeedHookers at the Swift Peaks stage. Kurt wins this one!

Third is Super SpeedRunners at the Plaza. Kurt wins it!

Some weird glitching makes one of them momentarily leave the room in a huff! Hilarious :)

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 14


We join Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 on a beach at night. They spotted an underwater guardian temple while exploring the coast.

They both get inflicted with mining fatigue III, so they can't break the guardian spawners. Kurt explores a bit of the temple with the help of torch air pockets. He emerges after finding nothing within and Brian has spotted some guardians outside. They shoot them out and this huge one appears. They take care of that one too and it looks pretty exciting.

After this, they use a potion that makes the water crystal clear to them. Kurt finds a spawner that makes the huge ones appear! They can't break it because they have mining fatigue, so they go to explore a desert temple. They find chests that have blocks of obsidian above their lids.

They find TNT in the floor of the same room and take some precautions before checking if it's harvestable or not.

Outside, Kurt takes on a witch that fell in some lava but didn't die. Kind of scary to see how long it took for him to defeat her.

Later on, Brian finds a treasure chest before Kurt does! Kurt's been the main chest discoverer up to this point. :)

Far Lands or Bust! #469


Current distance from Kurt: 87 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he emerges from the fertile earth. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Kurt talks about recent eclipses solar and lunar and how he preferred sleep to catching this lunar one. I'm the same!

He talks about the recent livestream where he revisited his old saves from pre-FLoB. It was pretty interesting watching the archives on YouTube.

Kurt topples a very high sand bridge with cacti on top. Pretty cool thing to see!

Now for donor questions. Names in big font here until the episode where the donation goal is met!

Donor Roseachu asks a few questions. "What are your views on feminism?"

Kurt talks about it for a while. He says he would be a feminist since he's in favour of equality, though he's not personally vocal. To me, he seems to like the idea of making people's lives better in general and that's a good thing.

"What was your favourite chocolate bar from your childhood and now, your adulthood?"

Kurt says he liked the coconut based bars like the Almond Joy. Nowadays he likes the Reese's pieces. He discusses this for a while too.

"Where are your vlogs at, dude? We miss your face!" & "What happened to ye old dog plans?"

There's that nice Dog Vlog that he did. :)

"Kurtjmac, why don't you play Kerbal Space Program? Please, please, Kurtjmac?"

Kurt says he might wait for the full release.

Donor FullMetalKnee asks "I have had two major knee surgeries, hence the name, although never have broken a bone. Have you ever had surgery before?"

He said he never broke a bone before, though he did dislocate a small toe or something.

"Do you like hot tea? I've recently gotten into the loose leaf hobby and it's awesome!"

Kurt says he tried it and it's alright, though he still prefers coffee. He discusses the various options for a while.

Donor Anonymous asks "Are you a fan of history? If so, what is your favourite region or time period?"

Kurt's interested in the various types of pyramids and he talks about the time he visited some. He also liked learning about World War II.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Wreckfest - Previously Known as "Next Car Game"


First post about Wreckfest! It's an indie type of racing game that Kurt took a shine to and it seems like it progressed very well. The loading times have shortened a lot, so they have the right idea there :)

A funny moment happens when a car flips over and bounces right over Kurt's. He says it's like something out of The Fast and the Furious!

Kurt watches the replay of his race later, slowing down the car flipping moment!

FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 3


Kurt loads up the Far Lands or Bust! world he made available to fans and reads out the signs he left for everybody. His mountain cabin is here, along with the 3 diamond in the chest and extra bed for "guests". :)

Kurt uncovers the diamond Easter Eggs he left underneath.

Later, in this alternate dimension of FLoB, Kurt actually dies!

Lots of curiosities he left here with lots of nice signs. It's like a museum piece and worth checking out.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP59


It's been a small while but Kurt returns to Forza! He's had a few additions to his car collection since.

He buys a 2011 RUF RT 12 S and enters the Modern Supercars championship. The road trip there takes place on a rainy evening. When he arrives, he soups up the car a bit before entering.

He enters a race and comes 2nd. Not bad for not having played in so long!

In the next race he comes 4th. After this, he tunes up his car a bit and comes 1st in the next race.

After this, Kurt drives around the countryside, looking for a barn find. He unlocks a perk along the way. After some time, he finds it in an overlooked spot. It's an Alfa Giulia TZ2.

After this, he takes on a bucket list challenge: "#6. PROVE A RUF RT 12 S CAN HIT 165 MPH". It doesn't look like an easy task in this inclement weather! Kurt pulls it off though!

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 13


Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 investigate a lighthouse. It's got a spinning thingy at the top and everything! On entering, they're welcomed by a few mobs. Kurt finds some chests behind the front desk.

On the way up, there are many dangerous spawners. Baby zombies and blazes. Kurt and Brian work well as a team here. At one point, a whole slew of baby zombies come down the stairs! It looks both impressive and terrifying!

They emerge at the top and it's night time. Pretty cool up here and they can see the mechanism and how it works! Kurt looks inside and finds a chest with tons of stuff in there, including six golden apples. Lots of other interesting stuff too. Things are laggy, so they go out as soon as they can.

They decide what to do next while watching the sun rise. They explore the adjacent building for a while. They then find treasure on a nearby island and use their nether chest here.

They jump cut to another area with a smithy and a jungle temple. More treasures within.

Later again they find The Spirit Stone of Demeter with a button on the outside. They're nervous about pressing it. Kurt braves it and he is granted Saturation II for a bout a minute. A big green beacon shoots out the top too.

This is where they end the recording for this episode.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #50


Kurt, Millbee, MCGamer and Avidya SpeedRun some more!

First is Super SpeedRunners at the Chemical Dash stage by Archi. Kurt hits spikes at one stage but the airflow still pushes him forward. It's a funny moment! :) MCGamer wins it.

Second is reverse SpeedRunners at the Swift Peaks stage. Kurt wins it :)

Third is Super SpeedRunners at the Zoo stage. When Millbee gets turned into a block of ice, it only makes him go faster on the slope and he wins this one!

(2/2) FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 2


Kurt continues exploring this earlier world.

He finds a seam between two different Minecraft updates. These look kinda cool :)

The world looked so dark at night back then that you can barely see anything when Kurt walks around in it!

Kurt shows his spawn point! He then tells the story about the castle he built far away and then being sent back here when he got blown up by a creeper. So then he built a tunnel from spawn to his castle and that's what he's showing us here. It's literally memory lane :) he also shows us the network of bridges he built around the place.

It's a nice cosy castle! It's fun being given a tour by Kurt and how he remembers bits and pieces of his first experiences with Minecraft.

Monday 1 February 2016

(1/2) FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 2


Kurt loads up one of his older Minecraft worlds from way back when! He opens up a world where he had a balcony overlooking a body of water with icy patches. It's interesting to see him explore this! This was before beds were introduced too.

It gives you an idea as to just how difficult the game was in older versions! Kurt experiences it first hand here!

NASCAR The Game 2013 Part 10


My first blog post about NASCAR! It's been a while since Kurt played this!

He qualifies first and hopes the game doesn't crash.

In this session he tries to suss out the rubberbanding A.I. as well.

He finishes 9th.

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 12


We join Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 on a beach, south of that pyramid they explored last time. They see a weird looking underwater chest. One of the items it contains is a sword called "Not a Sword" and the other is a potion.

Running across the countryside, they find some mob goons and another wolf companion. They fight some really strong skeletons and explore some caves.

Later, they set off an explosion which leaves a pretty big impression on the landscape.