Sunday 17 September 2017

rise of the tomb raider 13 - help deer friends!


Kurt is back in action on the Soviet Installation.

That was a funny part alright when the deer got all glitchy and twitchy :)

Yikes! Sudden attack by a snow leopard or something. It brings back memories of when he played Eidolon! That deer corpse stuck on the part above the door of the cave is a mystery alright.

He's a bit of a daredevil, trying to go hand to hand combat with the snow leopard then. Or... hand to paw rather. He even calls on his "deer" friends for help. Hilarious :)

He tries to use fire to defeat it but instead just sets it on fire as it goes for him. Finally, he just shoots it. That was a circus :)

Nice funny voice he put on there for that optional mission :)

Nice waterfall animation observation there too.

Some perillous climbing events with deaths then. Stressful to watch :/ He makes it to the tomb eventually.

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