Saturday 30 September 2017

perfect minecraft bingo seed challenge run... but then! - fishing plans interrupted!


Kurt does Minecraft Bingo with face cam! This video's about when things are going well until it suddenly goes all wrong!

That was funny the way he tried encouraging those chickens to lay eggs :)

Very lucky how he was looking for a spider and finds a spider spawner too :)

Oh my gosh... About 10 minutes in is where the big setback happens! He falls down a very deep hole and the look on his face! Poor guy!

After this is desperate scrambling to find the spot where he died. It gets dark, mobs spawn, the livestream chat says stuff like "your other left" and he fights a spider with an egg. There's desperation, hunger and being blown up by a creeper when he drops string! Argh!

He has to wait for fish as well and gets attacked by a zombie during this as well. Just not his day! Ah well!

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