Monday 25 September 2017

far lands or bust! #543 - good space news and eva bedtime stories


Current distance from Kurt: 112 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt mimics a nearby spider before he and Wolfie continue to the Far Lands! It is a pretty good impression!

While sailing, he talks about the Kurttatt initiative again. It's going to be a mainstay for a while while the charity drive goal is on :)

I like that joke he made about having good news and pretending to advertise car insurance for a moment :) in reality it was about a space rocket launch that went successfully. Kurt talks about how nerve-racking it was because an earlier launch failed badly. He talks about it for a while.

He shears a lot of sheep in this episode!

Continuing space talk about missions to the moon and to Europa.

He gets a request to tell a story about his dog Eva :) he talks about recent stuff she does and about playing Frisbee.

Some amusing throat clearing in this episode too :)

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