Friday 15 September 2017

rise of the tomb raider 12 - sad flashback, unsettling freezing swim


Kurt sits at a camp, even though it's a bad time with enemies and gunshots going on. Very kind of the game to pause time like that :)

Yikes! Unexpected explosion!

Big struggle against his pursuers but he makes it out of the gulag with the guy. Still being pursued though, this time by a helicopter.

That freezing swim was pretty unsettling :/  and the helicopter is still going after him!

Nice Starbucks pun after being rescued from that freezing river :)

Very sad flashback though with Lara's father :( she chats about it with Jacob(the guy) and shows more determination for her goal.

He meets another guy who's injured and it's another mission to clear out a wolf den so he can recover from injuries.

Kurt ventures through some caves and upgrades equipment at the end. Nice "squirrel!" quip :)

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