Monday 4 September 2017

rise of the tomb raider 09 - taking out communication towers


Kurt makes Lara shake her head as if to say "I don't wanna do that crazy jump!". He pulls off the jump though and does some cool zip-lining!

He finds his way around the Soviet Installation and raids another tomb.

That "Spidey Sense" thing he has is handy where it shows what part of the scenery is interactive but... I dunno it seems like the graphic design of the scenery is prioritised over game design.

He invades a wolf's den and dramatic drum music plays but it doesn't always mean something's gonna happen! Weird false flagging :) stuff does happen though eventually.

Kurt's surprised at Lara commenting on her Russian language ability not being great. I guess you would expect her to be very worldly.

Kurt talks back to the guy at camp reminding him about his mission :)

That was a fun accidental dip down the hole :) whoops! At least Wolfie wasn't with him :P

Kurt finishes the mission about breaking down the communication towers. The guy at the camp gives him a lock pick and awkwardness as a reward. Oh well :)

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