Friday 29 September 2017

far lands or bust! #544 - celebrating the #kurtjtatt goal


Current distance from Kurt: 112 episodes. No change!

Kurt records this episode on Christmas Day! Happy Christmas Kurt and Wolfie :)

Wolfie spawns under the boats now? that's kinda worrying...

Wow the Far Lands Or Bust! world is now almost 20GB. Serious size there...

Kurt answers the common tattoo rebuttal question about having the same tattoo in older years. He's still favourable to the idea :)

Some long stretches of water in this episode. Hopping across ice and small islands too.

He touches on the topic of being too keen a buyer of something second hand and possibly getting taken advantage of. It depends! Sometimes the seller is very keen to get rid of a thing!

Random encounter with a creeper while reading out a question and it gets mixed in with the question briefly :)

Lots of caves and dips in the forest there. He wonders where the spawners are recently and suddenly hears spiders from within a mountain. He secures it and raids it. It's a spawner alright but not a lot to find in there.

He does nab a saddle though and mounts a pig to celebrate the Kurtjtatt stretch goal. :) He also makes a sign that says "$15,000 for Child's Play #KurtJTatt Episode 544".

He answers a question about time travel movies. He mentions Looper, which I liked quite a bit as well. :)

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