Thursday 21 September 2017

far lands or bust! #542 - kurtjtatt initiative and goal


Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie skirt along a little ridge on their continuing journey to the Far Lands!

Kurt talks about a charity drive thing, like the "Jason Statham Initiative" where he will get a Minecraft tattoo in 2016 if a target is reached. That is pretty crazy. Like he said though, Minecraft changed his life a lot, giving him a career and everything so he'd be getting it as an homage. I think I said this before but I'm not into tattoos at all for myself! I see his reasoning behind it though and I've seen the stuff Minecraft brought to his life through watching his videos through the years too. I'm just saying it wouldn't be something I'd do! ^^;

Interesting commotion with zombies emerging from a cave there at the start. Kurt expertly leads them out into sunlighty doom!

Kurt talks about another space event thingy where he has hopes for something and the snarky yellow text confirms from the future that it was a success :)

Kurt gets so startled from almost falling into a very deep hole that he starts talking and replying to himself in the 2nd person! That was fun :)

Wolfie donated to Child's Play charity! :D Very creative and kind donation! Nice little message too :) Kurt gives him a bone to repay him and to recover health for warping into his boat.

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