Sunday 10 September 2017

rise of the tomb raider 10 - shopping in the darndest places


Kurt continues around the Soviet Installation.

He has animals frolicking around him at one stage and imagines he's like some kind of singing Disney princess :)

"Work hard to fight cold and hunger" Lara describes the sign as propaganda. That's kinda interesting. Which part of it is propaganda and how much of it can we see today in our own lives? Maybe I'm not asking the right questions; it's not too relevant here as it's just to sharpen Lara's language skill stat, but it's a theme and it's food for thought.

That tower he climbs has a chair up there but no walls, so it doesn't look comfortable here in this weather.

He journeys to the objective and finds a shop! He finds it kind of bewildering that there's a shop in such a hostile place. It's a very video gamey thing and the shopkeeper's narrative tries to explain its existence. Kinda crazy but fascinating :) Kurt quips about setting up an AdWords campaign for this shack shop :P

Soon afterwards he gets captured. D'oh! After buying that stuff too! Very dramatic cutscene where it's revealed Ana is in cahoots with the enemy. Lara almost says the C word! Wow! "custard pudding!" Kurt adds instead :) he gets put in a cell next to another prisoner whom he met earlier before plotting his escape.

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