Monday 27 March 2017

far lands or bust! #510 - happy birthday dear public domain


Current distance from Kurt: 130 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt emerges safely from the hidey hole, even though there was a skeleton rattling in a neighbouring cave.

He sings the Happy Birthday song now that it's in the public domain! He talks more about this news that happened at the time. It's good news :)

I assume that dancing baby video has nothing to do with the gross cg dancing baby from the 90s.

He gets a question about his habit patterns. Very observant Farlanders :)

He sees a big round hole in a distant hill and imagines a giant earthworm coming out of it.

He finds an exposed spawner and finds a little bit of iron and bread within.

While settling on an elevated hidey hole, he gets interrupted by a spider climbing up! Yikes!

Falling asleep while driving vs falling asleep while Farlanding :) cute way to bring things around! Neither is advisable of course!

He gives advice regarding telescopes.

He spots another pink sheep and sings the pink sheep song! Lots of singing this episode :) He makes a sign that says "Pink Sheep! Episode 510! 09/24/2015 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" to commemorate the occasion :)

He also talks about his history with telescopes and how they're kind of like a gateway thing, buying more expensive ones to see even more stuff in the sky!

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