Saturday 25 March 2017

eidolon 25 - the big wall


Kurt walks through some very misty and rainy weather with more ruined buildings around.

He does some fishing and tries to get them to bite, going so far as to make a biting sound with his teeth! Never heard him do that before! I think... well I'll go ahead and say it's a first anyway!

He then hunts for deer. He snags it :) he sounded funny when hunting it, saying he wants to show it something sharp and pointy lol.

Lots more reading going on too.

Those noises at night are really making Kurt unsettled!

He sees a fox and deer stuck on a tree. He takes both of them out with one arrow, which is cool, but he has trouble grabbing them out of the tree! He manages it though :)

He comes across a huge wall that he's been reading about. Could it be a world boundary? It might be.

He explores along the wall for the rest of the episode.

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