Monday 13 March 2017

far lands or bust! #507 - clock story


Current distance from Kurt: 133 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt talks about the news story at the time about a kid being arrested for making a clock.

He speaks up about being punished for actually doing good things. It's food for thought and worth listening to. He talks about other elements around the event too such as the aftermath and support from many people, which is a nice thing at least.

In Far Lands Or Bust! world, he comes across a zombie surface spawner and plunders some iron from the double chest.

Poor Wolfie falls down a little hole while trying to attack a pig :)

Even if Kurt doesn't do stand up, he's still a good storyteller :)

Another spawner doesn't have much in the one chest it has, so Kurt decides to blow it up for fun. He ends up falling with the collapsing sand! It wasn't too bad a fall though, just a bit of a fright!

He shares a walking story with Eva in an answer to a question. His dog has loads of energy!

He got lots of iron, so he makes some nice iron tools, like an iron shovel and axe.

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