Tuesday 7 March 2017

eidolon 22 - weird wolves

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkYs_Xcrw4Q

Kurt has more shiny green cube reading to do by these ruins.

He does some fishing to replenish his food supplies. He considers livestreaming this game as it does seem like it has a lot to do for a series.

Wow that crow cawing was kinda startling!

That's pretty funny, falling asleep by accident without being tired!

Kurt finds loads of flashing lights on the horizon across the water. He also hears wolves howling... That's the trouble with being awake at night in this game...

He fishes while the noises continue along with the crackling fire. What an atmosphere this brings!

More night time noises that really freak him out like rustling of leaves and bushes nearby like as if someone was approaching! Yes I'm wearing headphones as I type this and this cacophony of night time sounds is a bit too bizarre to be something nice and familiar!

Trees growing on a bridge... that is kinda strange. At least berry bushes are growing here too!

Towards the other side of the bridge he finds some very tall ruined structures.

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