Friday 17 March 2017

far lands or bust! #508 - cheapskate spawner


Current distance from Kurt: 132 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt says "Top of the door to ya!" to Wolfie when he wakes up. He was on top of the door to the hidey-hole :)

It's true; you aren't grown up when you leave home to live in a college dorm. Ain't it the truth! I think a den is for foxes and a sett for badgers, but yeah. He has some good points about being independent and stuff.

Haha "SpinTires!", "Newman!" :P

He climbs a slope and avoids going through the hollowed out cave part, making a staircase to traverse to safely.

He dams up a spawner and it drains nicely. Only one cheapskate chest though, though it has a bunch of iron at least.

Kurt sees a little whale shaped puddle in a bunch of sand and puts in a little sand block for an eye :)

He spots the titular pink sheep splashing around in water and makes some scientific observations about its colour while in water. :)

He puts up a sign near where he found it and writes "Piiiink Sheeep! Episode 508 09/19/15" on it. The torment comes from placing a pink block of wool underneath and the sheep has to look at it for all eternity. Aw!

Wow! Sneaky shot from a skeleton coming sneakily out of a sneaky cave! How sneaky!

He's asked about swearing in Let's Play videos. I kind of agree with him about natural and forced stuff. I try to avoid swearing when blogging and in real life too. It can come out naturally alright but it's uncommon enough.

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