Wednesday 8 March 2017

far lands or bust! #506 - renting vs owning a home


Current distance from Kurt: 134 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt just did his taxes. At least he has that over and done with for a while!

He talks about a new vlog video he put up on KurtIndeed. Must watch it later :)

So yeah, Kurt moved to Arizona. He talks about his move and his thoughts about it.

He gets on to the subject of real estate and home ownership and stuff. He gets ready to rant about it after taking a good night's rest, almost ranting out to a creeper that spawned some distance away.

He talks about how people tend to see how their house is an asset when it really isn't and talks about issues surrounding owning vs renting depending on need and everything.

He finds a pre-made hidey-hole door and makes his final hidey-hole there.

I like how he can still do his job, even in a completely different place. That's pretty cool :) would love to be able to do something like that.

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