Sunday 26 March 2017

crash time ii - lessons in stellar voice acting livestream - an offbeat driver-like with fun dialogue


Kurt livestreams this driving game that's a little different from his usual ones.

He spends the first few moments getting used to everything and observing the weird graphic design decisions.

Get gets into a mission where he has to stop a yellow van driver and he eventually does.

Ah that little bomb car thing is cute :)

Whoa stock photos of people. Are they the game developers?

Ahahah it's got snazzy buddy cop dialogue too! Fun stuff we rarely see in driving games :)

An escort truck thing and another chase mission. Good bit of variety.

He takes the black car apart door by door by ramming and it ends up looking like some kind of go kart!

I'm glad Kurt's getting so much fun out of it :) he calls it a gem!

Aw man that dialogue with the old buddies betting on who pays for coffee is great :)

Ah it has a limit on how much damage you can do. Suddenly got tougher. He wins it though :)

Kurt reckons the buddy who works for this company at the finish line turns out to be the bad guy as part of an evil corporation in a twist of fate! Sounds fun :)

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