Friday 18 August 2017

rise of the tomb raider 05 - awkward bear boss and cold glacial swimming


Kurt ambushes a couple of dudes at a camp from a bush.

He ambushes several more too, while also pretending to respond to their commander over walkie-talkie :)

Amusingly he throws the fuel for exploding the barrier through the barrier! Luckily he can also ignite it through the barrier  :)

He comes across a cave that's decorated nicely with bells. He reckons the bear that lives there is like a Martha Stewart bear :P

Very scary bear battle then while running around in awkward circles. I'm familiar with these in other games! I always feel like I'm doing something wrong in them.

Some cool scenery with glaciers and melty glacial rivers. Poor shivery Lara.

He comes across a Byzantine war galley on the opposite cliff and it reminds him of Goonies.

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