Friday 25 August 2017

not the donuts!!! - gtav online with lofty - high flying antics


Kurt and Lofty go joyriding for stars.

Nice faceplant by Kurt there while descending a staircase :)

Lofty comes across a 24/7 convenience store that's closed. He forgot he robbed it beforehand!

That was funny to see Kurt accidentally hitting him and making it seem like it was over gluten-free doughnuts :)

The mountain climbing motorcycle thing is pretty cool :)

They try doing some tricks while up there and poor Kurt goes careening down the mountain!

That was pretty funny when Lofty drives off the mountain and he's wondering where his parachute is gone!

Is it possible to jump on a moving train in this game? It'd be a cool thing.

Some high flying antics here too.

That height falling challenge they do with very small jumps is pretty funny :)

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