Saturday 5 August 2017

far lands or bust! #535 - honesty and boundaries


Current distance from Kurt: 115 episodes. No change!

Kurt awakes to a party of spiders and burning zombies... somewhere. He slips away with Wolfie to the Far Lands though!

He talks a bit about livestreaming and recent livestreaming challenges.

Wolfie pushes him into the hole he was digging! Good thing it was shallow! The noodle :P

He gets a question about honesty and frankness and stuff like that in relating to others. About being open and vulnerable too. It is important to be honest but also have stuff that's your own business that you don't share.

He finds a pumpkin patch at the end of the episode and decides to build his hidey-hole there :) 18 pumpkins total growing there! He builds it in the ground so it's like a grave :P

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