Monday 28 August 2017

far lands or bust #539 - the art of negotiating cable packages


Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie shear shome sheep *ahem* shear some sheep and hunt for pigs as they continue to the Far Lands!

Poor Wolfie is still recovering from the damage of the collapsing sand stunt in the last episode.

While draining a spawner, Kurt comes up with many synonyms for "draining" like "de-ocean" :) he has a fun time de-oceaning it! Wolfie is safe though at least :)

He talks about taking a few pictures of the planet Venus when he observed it in the morning.

He mentions the amount of ads that are on cable TV in America. There are tons of ads on satellite TV here too!

He finds a 13 pumpkin patch while talking about negotiating cable TV and internet deals. Google Fi was involved in the call and since his internet deal was getting changed, his modem reset and the call was lost! Gah! Unlucky! Doing it online would be a good idea alright rather than the phone.

He's asked what he would do if Wolfie died. It's a tough enough question... He touches on points like Wolfie gameplay being like a standard video game "escort mission" and how he sometimes gets him mixed up with his real life dog :)

Another question brings up the idea of scale, comparing the distance Kurt walked in this world to distance in the real world. Interesting idea :) I have the same kind of thing with Wii Fit U, which compares steps I've taken in real life to the amount of steps it would take to complete famous walking trails around the world.

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