Tuesday 1 August 2017

far lands or bust! #534 - no quicktime events or grappling here

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7junGFLbY_M

Current distance from Kurt: 115 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie give a Thanksgiving greeting and continue to the Far Lands, for the sake of kids that may have to spend the holiday in a hospital.

He talks about returning to the Tomb Raider series for a while.

He falls into a little hole that makes him lose half a heart. No Tomb Raider quick time events or ledge grappling here! Wolfie takes no hit thankfully.

Later on he takes a double hit though, so Kurt feeds him promptly.

He comes across another hole that's even deeper and has lava flowing, but he's more careful this time. It appears to split in two as well so it's pretty interesting. He investigates a little bit before moving on.

He says to enjoy Thanksgiving and to watch Tomb Raider or other kurtjmac videos instead of shopping the next day :) That is an excellent idea! Especially since they're trying to bring that dumb holiday here.

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