Monday 21 August 2017

far lands or bust! #538 - adding self to the list of dangers to wolfie


Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt waits for like half a minute waiting for Wolfie to bark! When he barks, Kurt does his usual greeting after holding his breath for so long and they both continue to the Far Lands!

Letter writing is cool, but why not use e-mail? Real life home address is risky for fan mail.

Kurt gets a nice question about daydreaming :) he gives a nice answer too.

He then gets a question about YouTubers getting sick and colds a lot! He touches on various things like conventions, sleeping habits and so on.

He gets into a big archery shootout with a skeleton after sleeping on an elevated hidey-hole. Exciting stuff :)

Wow that's cool that he got his PS2 as a present :)

After accidentally getting Wolfie caught in a sand tumble, Kurt adds himself to the list of stuff that poses as a danger to Wolfie :) that was a spooky moment alright.

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