Thursday 31 August 2017

rise of the tomb raider 08 - cistern puzzles


Kurt comes across an ancient cistern and reminisces on puzzles from the first Tomb Raider game.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

rocket league 26 - amazing aerial shots


Kurt, Eneija and Fabe have a laugh at the idea of doing a "content ID" strike on the word "Indeed!" being spoken :)

Tuesday 29 August 2017

dirt rally full release update - now with soft shoulders


Kurt tries out the full release of this game! This epic adventure begins when he finds that it has reset all his settings! Woo! Wooo...

Monday 28 August 2017

far lands or bust #539 - the art of negotiating cable packages


Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie shear shome sheep *ahem* shear some sheep and hunt for pigs as they continue to the Far Lands!

Saturday 26 August 2017

Monday 21 August 2017

far lands or bust! #538 - adding self to the list of dangers to wolfie


Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt waits for like half a minute waiting for Wolfie to bark! When he barks, Kurt does his usual greeting after holding his breath for so long and they both continue to the Far Lands!

Sunday 20 August 2017

far lands or bust! #537 - weird and wonderful waterfalls and uncanny canyons


Current distance from Kurt: 114 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie leave their cave converted into a hidey-hole as they hear some splashing from downstairs neighbours, whoever they are! After a brief greeting with another wolf, they both continue to the Far Lands!

Sunday 13 August 2017

far lands or bust! #536 - the flying v of pumpkinosity


Current distance from Kurt: 114 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt arranges the 19 pumpkins around his hidey-hole before he and Wolfie head off to the Far Lands!

Tuesday 8 August 2017

rocket league 24 - slow mo and low g


Kurt, Eneija and Lofty begin with a dramatic entrance indeed! Kurt just randomly joins in when he sees them playing on Steam :)

Saturday 5 August 2017

far lands or bust! #535 - honesty and boundaries


Current distance from Kurt: 115 episodes. No change!

Kurt awakes to a party of spiders and burning zombies... somewhere. He slips away with Wolfie to the Far Lands though!

Friday 4 August 2017

rise of the tomb raider 02 - mortal kombat spike pit


Kurt jumps across a crumbling bridge over a chasm to reach the tomb, trying to get there before the guys flying the helicopter.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Tuesday 1 August 2017

far lands or bust! #534 - no quicktime events or grappling here


Current distance from Kurt: 115 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie give a Thanksgiving greeting and continue to the Far Lands, for the sake of kids that may have to spend the holiday in a hospital.