Friday 19 May 2017

rocket league 16 - cool dribbly bit


Kurt, Eneija & Lofty welcome us back to carball, where they win the first match by forfeit! Woo!

Chris P. Bacon is one of the opponents, though who could be opposed to crispy bacon! :)

Floppy bacon? Ew...

They win this first match :)

Ah that was a cool dribbly bit during the second match by Eneija there :)

They win this match too! Yay!

During the third match it doesn't look good when the other team gets 3 goals on them early on. Things get very dangerous with the comeback with deaths and everything but they get back 3 goals! It was a very close call when they almost lost the chance to go into overtime. Then it's tense butt clenching moments all the way until they score the winning goal! Wow that was intense :) Great team play and Kurt scored all 4 of their goals this time too!

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