Thursday 4 May 2017

far lands or bust! #518 - pseudo-far lands


Current distance from Kurt: 122. Gaining!

Kurt delivers the welcome with a slightly different tone to change things up :) he also puts a compass theory to rest before continuing on to the Far Lands!

A question from NotEsteban eh? Not suspicious at all :)

He finds a weird structure he describes as a pseudo-Far Lands. It looks kinda interesting alright. He tries to get a pink sheep into the frame for a photo but he settles for just Wolfie instead :) He even makes a sign for this occasion! "PIIINK SHEEEP! of Psudo-Far Lands Ep 518" he writes on it. He goes on to shear the sheep so that he/she/it can fit in with his/her/its friends :)

He answers a question about his recent music listening habits.

Another cool land feature pops up in the form of sudden mountains and waterfalls :) it inspires him to make a panoramic photo collage. It even includes a burning zombie :)

He finds a couple of pumpkins next to each other and they're facing each other, so he builds them a room! That was pretty funny :)

He talks about the movie The Martian for a while and is looking forward to seeing it.

A spider pops up as one last threat before he turns in for the night.

Funny series of "boop!"s after the end slate there :)

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