Friday 12 May 2017

eidolon 30 - new weird music


Kurt tries to find the road again without dying horribly.

The music turns unusual and he wonders if something mystical is happening. Or something non-mystical, like a background update or something :P

The music becomes nice for a long while but then changes before Kurt wanted it to. Aw... he then talks about a music program he wrote that would play random stuff. Sounds interesting.

Then it gets all drum beats and it sounds like Tomb Raider 3 to him for a while :)

He finds an interview transcript. That's pretty interesting and detailed.

Yikes that spam postcard thing sounds icky. Even in a post apocalypse there's junk mail :/

Allergic to dying? Aren't we all lol :)

Wow those noises were quite scary whatever they were...

It's a pity alright he didn't find crystals.

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