Monday 22 May 2017

ha, ha! dangly parts! - mindcrack minecraft livestream build - dangerous path to the dangly prison


Kurt jumps away from a creeper in the nick of time! Dramatic start to this highlights video :)

It blows out the corner of the village farm so he has to repair it.

Wow that was an unfortunate drop into a zombie invested cavern. He sounded a bit like Scatman John as he was falling!

He goes a bit asymmetrical with his building at one point :P

That high platform project thing he built is pretty cool :)

That was a close call, escaping those zombies and narrowly missing the lava next to the water!

Lots of precarious building going on by him here.

That path going up the cliff face is extremely dangerous. I guess it's all to do with the dangly structure being a prison and the idea of it being difficult to escape from.

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