Friday 5 May 2017

rocket league 13 - two mad bruhs


Kurt, Eneija, Lofty and Fultron play with some internet connectivity issues and weird stuff happens!

Even though Kurt has internet trouble, they at least score a goal in that first match. Could've been worse.

When his internet straightens out the tables turn on the scoring and beyond!

Next match there's a character named Bruh and another character named Bruh(2) on other team. Lots of "hey bruh" one liners from them :) that "you mad" joke by Lofty was awesome as well! XD They're so busy coming up with funny "bruh" jokes that they fall behind on scoring but then they get equal and into overtime, but just barely lose. Unlucky bruhs!

They win in the next round though only one goal was scored. Still a well earned win :)

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