Wednesday 10 May 2017

far lands or bust! #519 - third time lucky!


Current distance from Kurt: 121 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt cautiously welcomes us back and explains why...

This isn't his first attempt at recording this episode. A big explanation follows detailing various dramatic crashes and sneaky Windows downloads. Sounds pretty scary. PC gaming is very dangerous!

Some treacherous pits in the area he passes through. One of which has lava at the bottom. Both were pretty deep.

He sees another very cool pit while hiking on a mountain, all while talking about real life hikings :)

He talks about gardening and about the little vegetable garden his family had growing up. Also yeah, keeping a lawn is a chore alright. That's funny and unfortunate about the bad luck he has with buying grapefruit and plums :)

Spend less than you earn is generally good advice :)

I'm glad this recording turned out to be a successful one for him.

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