Tuesday 18 April 2017

rocket league 11 - came in like a shrekin' ball

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN1h6sQNtb4

Kurt, Eneija, Lofty & Fultron play in four aside chaos!

That first match was really exciting! Scores were really close the whole time. It went into overtime and they scored the winning goal to get 4-3 :) Very nice!

In the second match, their cross bar was pretty handy! Lovely smooth nudge into the goal by Kurt :) they did fantastically this time, winning 5-0!

The same opponents come back for the third round! They must be fired up :) They seem to be trying a car destroying strategy. They win 2-0, even with Kurt briefly disconnecting! Good session overall :)

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