Tuesday 11 April 2017

eidolon 28 - leap of foggy faith

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah4RQ9fNK0E

Kurt retraces some of his steps and tries to piece some of the lore together in his mind as well.

He reconsiders the bird about it being helpful in finding information crystals and wonders if it is just leading him astray instead.

One morning it's very foggy and dark. Kurt takes a leap of faith into some water in order to cross the broken bridge. Then it's across the very long bridge that's not broken, but in disuse. Lots of stuff growing on it though!

Wow that was a very squawky bird there.

Some time later he looks out towards an island for more clues.

He imagines an NPC suddenly popping up after many hours of gameplay. That would be freaky!

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