Friday 14 April 2017

dark echo part 3 - weird gravity changes


Kurt gets thrown off in the next level when the controls seem to be reversed. Thankfully it's a short level!

Monsters in the next level again. The sound of buzzing flies is pretty unsettling :/

The rules of gravity seem to change! It's more like a side view now with the falling rather than top down. Pretty confusing!

Then the walls close in. Not good if you have claustrophobia... though you can't even see the walls closing in, just the sound waves bouncing off them.

One of these levels is extremely confusing with this moving wall thing going on. If I didn't have Kurt's commentary I'd be lost!

Haha yeah I can hear his phone ringing in this video :)

Kurt gets trapped and the game plays out a scenario where another guy meets a gruesome end due to a monster. Poor guy.

Yikes... another level later on with very narrow red death walls. It's structured like a spiral and it's a bit like that electronic buzzing wire puzzle. He gets through it though so it's a happy end :)

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