Saturday 1 April 2017

far lands or bust! #511 - 500 episodes of far landing!


Current distance from Kurt: 129 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt celebrates the fact that it's been 500 episodes since he started his expedition to the Far Lands! He started on episode 11 :)

It doesn't start off that well. Just a couple of dry pigs. Meaning pigs that don't drop dog bones.

Luckily the trench of episode 511ness doesn't

Kurt talks about the super moon lunar eclipse. I remember the "super moon" thing being a big deal all of a sudden alright. I've seen a lunar eclipse before alright. It was nice enough but I didn't think it was that big a deal really!

Kurt talks about Twitch-con. New features announced like video uploads. These changes are in place alright but Twitch just doesn't run as nicely as YouTube does. He reflects on his experience with Twitch so far.

Neat random staircase :) doesn't go anywhere though.

A question about moments of regret! Yikes! Not starting YouTube sooner is a regret he has and that's a pretty good answer.

The final hidey-hole of the episode is a converted opening on a cliff that Kurt makes. Wolfie joins in too! He wanders around a bit, inside and out of various unplugged holes, but he gets settled and the holes get plugged :)

"Episode 511 FLoB 09/26/2015 No Regrets!" Kurt writes on a sign and Wolfie looks away in shame lol. At least he remembered to title the episode the same :)

So wow... 500 episodes of Far Landing! :) I really hope I can catch up with Kurt someday. It's taking me flipping ages :/

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