Saturday 8 April 2017

minecraft bingo blind speed challenge fail [seed 6202] - massive compilation!


Kurt is being a bit tough on himself by putting "FAIL!" in the title and thumbnail, though I guess "fail compilations" and that kind of thing are popular nowadays!

This isn't a live commentary, but rather a retrospective on how he did. The video is sped up and everything.

Oh my goodness... the stuff that went wrong! From burying straight down into a huge ravine to slaying a group of three endermen that didn't give him the drop he needed! Then he gets plenty of egg drops even though he already filled that on his card!

This is pretty entertaining to watch but you can also feel his pain!

More endermen... but still no drop!

Insult to injury creeper! Gah!

Love the part where he has to fish to calm himself down :) but wow... so many things went wrong for him and he's able to recount every single bit of it, including parts where he swings his sword at the sky in frustration!

He eventually got a bingo thanks to a slime. It all went on for 55 minutes and that's why we got a sped up 20 minute version! Lots of fails within but overall it didn't fail in entertainment value :)

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