Monday 10 April 2017

far lands or bust! #514 - coeliac nation


Current distance from Kurt: 126 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt spots a Creeper through the peephole he makes in his front door! He handles it without incident and continues!

It's not the only one, but he still makes it through safely :)

He gets a question about the first car he ever owned. He talks about his current car as well for a bit.

The next question is about cameras. That was great that the company fixed his camera for him even though it was years out of warranty :) Nice one Canon!

He finds lots of chickens frolicking around in a forest. Better them than Creepers in any case!

Wow, I didn't know the gluten thing was so severe in Ireland :/ I also didn't know gluten-free dining was a major thing here either!

I love 90s cartoons. Haven't watched them in a long time either though. Animaniacs is great but I think by Nickelodeon they mean stuff like Rocko's Modern Life :)

Kurt has trouble finding a hidey hole in a treacherous hilly area with lots of caves, so he makes his own mountainside luxury hidey hole. Hope things go okay in the morning!

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