Sunday 15 January 2017



Poor Kurt has had it with this game and makes one last episode to finish up this particular series.

He drives down a lonely straight road talking about how this game isn't fun anymore. Aw. Poor guy.

There's something significant about the fact that he is driving down a lonely straight road and straight into some water where he immediately loses the truck. It's like he's expressing himself on several levels.

One by one, it seems there is no hope for these trucks as they either get stuck, run out of gas or are just plain unsuitable.

Kurt decides to end the series by making one of the trucks imitate the Titanic. Ahhh...

Had some nice times watching this series! Those big apartment buildings in the middle of nowhere always fascinated me. There were some comfy times in between the frustrations too, but then things change. Oh well, I still have lots more videos from other good series to watch until someday I can catch up with Kurt!

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