Sunday 8 January 2017



We join Kurt in the tunnel he built on the Mindcrack server.

He's the only one on the server to start with. He goes to the surface and checks out some of the cool structures the others built too.

It's back to planning and working on his tunnel though. He sets up a chest with lots of building materials and makes some bricks for the entrance.

A creeper gets him in the village. Yikes!

Very nice brickwork on the bridge entrance :) Some steps there along with the blocks make it look decorative.

There's a hiccup with the ISP due to livestreaming so much, but he powers through.

He puts in support beams made out of wood blocks and floor tiles out of diorite, granite and changes his mind now and again, while agonising over how it all looks :)

He starts to form steps as well, which is a nice idea. There is a big drop at the end of the tunnel after all. Mightn't be able to see the sun rise and set though... Someone in the chat points it out.

Nice Wolfie bark SFX when someone makes a donation on the stream.

Hmm... putting steps on the walls... I'm not sure about it myself. Makes it look narrower and like a cylinder. But... now that I look at the first section completed, I see that it actually looks nice enough :)

VintageBeef joins the server then! Woo! It's nice but then that means Kurt can't sleep in the bed and make it daytime. This brings a slight zombie problem, but being in a tunnel there's no big bad surprises or anything.

He changes his mind on the diorite floor and replaces it with granite.

Whoa, an invisible spider?! That's weird :/

The birch wood is nice and bright :) pretty dangerous outside with all those spiders and skeletons.

The tunnel takes form by the end of the stream and Kurt bids Beef farewell. Beef's playing the game on a tablet at the moment! Talk about hard mode!

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