Wednesday 11 January 2017



Current distance from Kurt: 146 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt wakes to find Wolfie's feet poking through the roof of the hidey hole.

Ah... the new podcast version of this show seems like it's doing well so far :) several hundred plays/downloads etc.

Kurt talks about the drain stopper in his shower/bathtub drain and his story about how he cleaned it... and what he found! Gory details in the video!

He can install a ceiling fan? He's a man of many talents...

Wow that's a big cave opening he avoided... He walks around it and sets up an elevated hidey hole near an interesting looking vertical sandy block.

Answering a donor question, he discusses stuff like future jobs and how internet stuff like YouTube is still a relatively new thing. He also briefly wonders what jobs will be around when his nephew Goober grows up. I wonder too...

This sandy block is actually a really cool obelisk on a kind of podium thing. It looks like it was man made but it's actually a naturally formed thing! Almost completely symmetrical too! Kurt admires it for a while and puts torches around too.

He talks about giving treats to Eva and doing the giving the paw trick :)

Eva's kind of like the dog we're minding right now... loves people but not that great with other dogs.

Lots of Eva talk here too like what kind of dog food she eats.

While digging out a hidey hole, he uncovers a lava pit and he adapts it for staying in for the night. He ends up having to extinguish some of the lava when his bed catches fire! Yikes! That's gonna make a good memory! :D

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