Monday 9 January 2017



Current distance from Kurt: 147 episodes. No change, though FLoBathon 2017 happened since. I'm just beginning season 6 while Kurt's just finished it! At least, I think it's season 6 he just finished...

Kurt mines some coal while waiting for a skeleton to perish outside.

Ah so the 301 views thing changed on YouTube with new videos? That's cool :)

Kurt talks more about his podcast publishing plans. He's right about iTunes in that not everyone uses it. I'm afraid to use it again in case something bad happens...

Ah... so Eva would never hear Wolfie barking or whining since Kurt uses headphones while recording and playing. Kurt talks about other stuff she does react to like a doorbell on TV or something.

Kurt finds an almost perfect square shaped island and puts torches on the corners! Kinda cool :)

Regarding the term for car experts, is it "motorhead"? :) I'm not a fan of cars myself.

I don't mind the words "meal" or "moist" or "delicatessen". They do seem to stir something but I don't have a problem or affinity with them myself.

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