Tuesday 17 January 2017


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pcjWzyZbCc

Current distance from Kurt: 145 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt wakes in his naturally-heated-by-lava hidey-hole unscathed and unscalded! Yay!

Kurt talks about the TSA for a while. It's funny the way he compares their statistics to the statistics of the skeleton's arrows that were shot at him in this episode!

He moves on to answer questions about hiking and hiking boots with ankle support. Some good tips there.

Very close call with the creeper while he was explaining something!

Kurt talks about Mystery Science Theater 3000 briefly. He talks about one episode where they watched a weird foreign movie or something. I ought to watch more of it.

I've never used Notepad++ myself. I think I'd rather stick with the old reliable original one.

The hidey-hole he builds this time has no roof! He has to put one in.

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