Monday 22 January 2018

Left-Leaning - only able to turn left through mazes


Kurt plays this minimalist top down driving game where you can only turn left! There's face cam too!

Some hilarious teething issues where there's a massive pile up of dead cars and the screen gets all shaky with each crash too. Also, that loud crashing sound! The horn beep is cute though :) it's the only other button!

Nice simple single screen route making puzzles where you have to get the car from A to B through a treacherous maze :)

Most treacherous of course is the speed and there's nothing you can do about it.

Some ways in he sets some zen background music to accompany the insane crashes :)

Some cool ideas for terrain like ice, sand, mud and tar there, all with their own inherent hazards.

Switches then, to make it even trickier.

The screen shake isn't great... happens too much in indie games sadly.

Half way through the video he comes across a "1 more" left, then the next level is really difficult. He has to stop and plan it out. The rest of the video is him trying to beat this last level!

The part where he uses the horn as a swear beeper is pretty funny :)

He finally beats the game when he takes another turn near the end. Yayifcations indeed! 

Wow that was a toughie. Sweat really showing on the face cam there :)

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