Tuesday 23 January 2018

far lands or bust! #569 - ranking the kong movies

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skTh9pqTN6U

Current distance from Kurt: 101 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt starts with nice joke based on the episode number.

It's good that his comments are working again and stuff.

He sees some cool land formations like a floating shark fin and a floating pillar :)

That planetary radio thing sounds kinda cool.

Nice handy little passage through the hill he was trying to get over :)

He spots a monolith looking structure too and throws a bone in the air and everything! Great 2001 reference :)

Nice question about King Kong there. I like the original and the Peter Jackson one is okay too. Kong Skull Island then is amazing :) Haven't seen the 70s one.

Interesting question on the Leave No Trace hiking philosophy as well. Even stacked rocks can spoil an environment... interesting.

Funny story where he felt bad about calling someone's car ugly while they were coincidentally within earshot. Aw...

That arch he finds really does look nice and naturally eroded :)

The hidey hole does look nice and hidden as well. 

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