Tuesday 16 January 2018

far lands or bust! #567 - 2 way hidey-hole

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjLcpHTTHXk

Current distance from Kurt: 103 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt decides to move out of his hidey-hole with Wolfie due to noisy bone-rattly neighbours. It's a livestreamy episode too!

Some nice questions! One about dancing and another about doggy play dates.

Kurt chooses Android over Apple. He talks about his Apple experience. iTunes makes me angry too.

He shares a coffee horror story where he spilled hot coffee on his hand. Yikes...

More doggy videos sounds nice :)

That was a pretty big drop for Wolfie... Lots of food on hand to remedy though :)

The hidey-hole at the end has two entrances. He has to close them both off and uses doors!

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