Sunday 21 January 2018

far lands or bust! #568 - the five year spawner


Current distance from Kurt: 102 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt has a choice of doors to leave through. He puts up a sign that says "March 6, 2016 5-years of FLoB --- INDEED!"

Nice way to mark the occasion. He continues with Wolfie and has one of those episodes where he looks back on his journey so far.

It's nice to have a reflective episode like this. I really like Kurt's story and wish I could have a similar thing where I can find some kind of success online.

Sounds like his family found out so he doesn't have as much anonymity. Oh well... I guess it's better that he didn't get carried away with it at risk of getting in trouble later on.

He finds a nice spider spawner. Not much in the way of treasure but it's the five year spawner :)

Good discussion on not being inclined to say "no" and stuff like that.

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