Friday 12 January 2018

far lands or bust! #566 - hidey-hole protesters


Current distance from Kurt: 104 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt emerges from the Illuminated Pumpkinified Hidey Hole and takes a snapshot before taking Wolfie with him to the Far Lands!

He talks about some weird YouTube comment glitch thing.

He spots some cool features with overhangs and spires and stuff. He checks it out :)

Spooky noises with those publisher names doesn't sound like a coincidence :) but yeah that's kind of a sad story with SpinTires. I wonder how you can self publish games commercially? That may be an important thing to know how to do.

Kurt takes a snapshot of this endless ice ocean mentioned in the title and takes a few snapshots! He's also worried about Wolfie spawning and stuff...

A Creeper stops him from making an elevated hidey hole! He has to wade through the water over to the next bit of land in order to build one. No rude awakenings thankfully :)

The hidey-hole he makes is pre-made and there's a skeleton nearby. Yikes! He boards it up safely though.

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